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Win 2 Entries to the Yr Wyddfa Snowdon24 Race

Two Entries to the Yr Wyddfa Snowdon24 24 Hour Event worth £250

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Matthews, BRISTOL

Two Entries to the Yr Wyddfa Snowdon24 24 Hour Event worth £250

Yr Wyddfa, or Snowdon in English, is the highest mountain in Eryri (Snowdonia), and also the whole of England and Wales. It peaks at an impressive 1,085 m (3,560 feet).

Always Aim High Events are proud to present this 24 hour race, starting and finishing at the foot of this iconic mountain, you will be challenged as an individual, or part of a team, to ascend and descend Snowdon as many times as possible in 24 hours.

Being UTMB Indexed, this is also a great qualifying or preparation race for UTMB Mont Blanc. The individual challenges mean that there is a 50k, 100k and 100m mile UTMB indexed challenge.
Do you have what it takes? With chill-out zone for between laps, a Respite Area where you can pitch a tent to take a break, and a lively event village to keep your spirits high, how many laps of Yr Wyddfa can you do. 
The lucky winner will win a solo place for themselves and another for a friend, worth £250.00!

Full details of the event can be found on the organiser's website.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/05/2024.


Two Entries to the Yr Wyddfa Snowdon24 24 Hour Event worth £250 x1